Here are the Biographies! This is the special softbound copy -- the hardbounds will not be availble for a while. :) I will tell you right now that I hope that no one is omitted. I had trouble with my mailer for a while, so some of your messages might be in some black hole right now. If you sent a biography and it is not included in here then please write me and let me know as soon as you can. I will be issuing updates to the Who's Who list. This also goes for those of you who want to make changes / corrections / deletions. I hope that this is informative and helpful. Please also understand that you may be getting a call from a desperate desktop publisher! :) As is my standard practice, I have placed my editorial comments in [square brackets]. Also notice that many of the Email addresses are bitnet -- one easy way to tell is if the address does not contain any periods (.). And last note -- if your first name is John, check at the end of the list -- someone did not mention their lastname. Enjoy! -- Geof Beginning of Who's Who List ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sylvan Z. Beer ========================================================================= Nick Name : None that I would care to disclose publicly Email Address : SZBEER@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU Profession : Director, Syracuse U. Manufacturers Assistance Center Independent consultant to small business. I also do newsletters, brochures, etc. Address : Home: 315 Scott Ave. Syracue, NY 13224 Work: 329 Link Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY 13244-1240 Telephone : Home: 315/446-7612 Work: 315/443-3590 or 315/443-4683 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I do a great deal of DTP including grahics, proposal writing, and reports. Am self-taught. Started life as a research chemist and part-owner of a small high-tech manufacturing firm. Amaury Da Gama Bentes ========================================================================= Nick Name : Maury Email Address : PUR0101@UFRJ.BITNET Profession : Sociologist Address : Rua Camerino 20 Centro - Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Telephone : (021)233-7451 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I graduated in sociology in 1985. In 1989 I started a course in order to get a master degree on Urban Planning but after I got acquainted with Ventura Publisher I started working with DTP, first only to do my academic work but I got more and more involved with the whole DTP stuff and now I decided to give up Urban Planning and work as a DTP professional. I use PM 4.0 in a 386 SX PC compatible which I myself have "assembled". I'm very interested in font manipulation and in importing different graphic formats in PageMaker. [Maury is our good friend from Rio de Janeiro -- we love to hear from his long distant exotic place!] Gayle Bibisi ========================================================================= Email Address : GBIBISI@UTMEM2.BITNET Profession : Art Production Supervisor Address : The University of Tennessee, Memphis Graphic Arts & Printing Services 201 East St., Room 125, Memphis, Tennessee 38163 Telephone : (901) 528-5553 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a BA is Journalism from Memphis State University. I have been in DTP for almost 6 years, since the beginning of PageMaker! I have background training in typesetting and have learned quite a bit about design since coming to UT Memphis. I sing in an R&B band on the weekends and am a member of The River City Writers (a group of published and unpublished romance writers)! (No harsh language on this one please!!!!) I use a Mac IIcx and love it. I will always prefer Mac. I plan to subscribe to Quark, I use it a little, but don't consider myself very adept at it. [Of course we wont be harsh! If you have an interest and a talent, flaunt it!] Karen C. Blansfield ========================================================================= Nick Name : Karen Email Address : Profession : Writer/Teacher Address : P.O. Box 3044, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 USA Telephone : (919) 933-9033 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm finishing up a doctoral degree in literature, am an active freelance writer and photographer, have edited newsletters and may decide to do some freelance editing and design work. Jeff Bone ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Electronic Imaging Coordinator Address : University of Alabama at Birmingham Dept. Photography and Instructional Graphics 933 19th Street South, CHSB-19 Room 320 Birmingham, Alabama 35294-2041 Telephone : (205) 934-4396 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm an engineer by training, but my main job is supporting a three campus university system in the area of electronic imaging which includes everything from simple laser prints from DTP software to high-resolution stereoscopic lenticular prints from MRI data. Have some 10 years experience in computing with a little more than 5 years in computer graphics. I am generally found on weekends breaking my back around our new house or running a consulting business with my father-in-law (hence my often wordy answers to simple questions). I'm an avid tennis player and golfer when I'm not goofing off with my two sons (2, and 4) (with #3 on the way). [There's a lot more to this Alabaman than he mentions -- I have a saying that if you do not know the answer, ask Jeff. And this includes philosophy, overhead smashes, relationships, etc... And I would love to see anyone try to win in a game of wit with Jeff!] Michael J. Breitner ========================================================================= Nick Name : Mike Email Address : NBMJ11@SDNET Profession : Asst. Director of Student Development Northern State University Address : 1200 S. Jay Street Aberdeen, SD 57401-7198 Telephone : (605) 622-3007 voice (605) 622-3022 fax Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Took over responsibility for editing and preparing the university student handbook and other student development publications. Am a relative novice using PageMaker, usually write everything in WordPerfect 5.1, then importing. Dean H. Briesemeister ========================================================================= Email Address :, Profession : student, and a lot of other things on the side Address : 26 Arthur Ave. SE #302 Minneapolis, MN 55455-3456 Telephone : (612) 331-3617 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a student, and always plan to be in some form or another. However, I've always got a number of things going on the side, including starting my own DTP business. 'Whatever you do, or dream you can, Begin it!' - Goethe [Great!] Mary Brohammer ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Secretary wanting to do DTP (state civil servant) Address : 725 W. 25th #4, Lawrence, KS 66046 Telephone : (913) 842-4355 Platform : PC, Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a college degree in business, trained basically to be an executive secretary. However, once I met my first word processor I fell in love (figuratively) and forgot about being a secretary. For the last fifteen years I've worked at the University of Kansas, spending the last eight years doing my version of DTP with WordPerfect on an XT. I eventually inherited a 386 and took a class in PageMaker. However, after eight years in an unhappy professional relationship I have now taken a different position at KU that is basically secretarial. So I am now a DTP-wanna-be trying to keep up those skills that I've learned, but not using now. I'm hoping that within a couple of years I will be able to find a job in publishing or anywhere I can use PM or some other DTP program. I have a 386SX at home with PM 4.0 and work on a Mac IIx with PM 4.2 available, so I am able to work on my own to keep up my skills. I also have a laser printer and take on freelance work as it comes. Several years ago I did eight issues of a national journal out of my home and I've done work on several other publications. Peter G. Q. Brooks ========================================================================= Nick Name : Old Baldie Email Address : HSR4@OXFORD.VAX.AC.UK Profession : Computing Officer Address : Health Services Research Unit, Department of Public Health & Primary Care, University of Oxford, Gibson Building, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HE Oxfordshire, Great Britain Telephone : (865) 224375 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't be brief if I tried! :) [Well, I would say that's pretty successful!] Henry Budgett ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Desktop Publishing Architect Address : The Santa Cruz Operation, Croxley Centre, Hatters Lane, Watford WD1 8YN United Kingdom Telephone : (+44) 923-816344 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Following a wide-ranging career in R&D, journalism, software publishing, PR and, finally, running my own consultancy business, I'm now working for SCO as their internal DTP specialist. Currently we use troff as our main publishing tool across all three sites with supporting material being generated using a variety of DTP tools such as PageMaker, Ventura, CorelDraw, etc, etc. Our medium term goal is to migrate to a single graphical publishing tool that supports SGML and runs under Unix. In my private capacity I still actively support a number of ex-clients - most of whom use PageMaker - and maintain a wide contact base both within the industry and its service sector here in the UK. (I founded the UK PageMaker users group PMUG but left after various disagreements with Aldus! Independence has its price...) [I am still not certain what a "Desktop Architect" is, but I am sure glad that we have this UKer on the list! - Geof] John Edward Cady ========================================================================= Nick Name : bing Email Address : Profession : Art & Architecture Library Supervisor Address : 2106 Art & Architecture Library, Ann Arbor MI 48109 Telephone : (313) 764-1303 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm very interested in desktop publishing, in publication design, and in humor writing. I had a humor newspaper on campus a few years ago (10,000 circ biweekly), and I am trying to learn everything I can about design, Mac publishing, service bureaus, printing technology, and humor. I also like cream cheese. [Bing? :) With people like Monte and Jeff -- the humor part is covered] Leonard Chan ========================================================================= Nick Name : Leonard Email Address : Profession : Systems Engineer Address : Jardine Office Systems, 13/F, Somerset Hse, Tong Chong St., Hong Kong Telephone : (852)880-3941 Platform : Macintosh, PC Pailin Chen ========================================================================= Nick Name : Hippo Email Address : CHENP@IUROSE.BITNET Profession : Ph. D. student Address : Campus View #213, Bloominton, IN 47406 Telephone : (812) 857-9852 Platform : Macintosh Larry Cunningham ========================================================================= Nick Name : Larry(!) Email Address : PER_CUNNING%ODNVMS@MPS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Profession : Research Supervisor Address : 30 E. Broad St. Floor 29, Columbus, Ohio Telephone : (614) 466-6947 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm responsible for "data management" for a state government office that manages employee training and civil service testing. I use PageMaker extensively to create manuals and reports for the office, and consider myself a hopeless Macintosh fanatic. Larry Dean Darnell ========================================================================= Nick Name : The Guru [another Guru!] Email Address : Profession : Computer Support Analyst Address : 406 Mch, B-150 Florida State University, Tallahasse Fl, 32306 Telephone : (904) 644-4720 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am 27, divorced and a Mac nut who lives and breathes Macintosh 24 hours a day. Gregory S. DeBruyn ========================================================================= Nick Name : Greg Email Address : Profession : Program Support Technician Address : 901 Park Avenue, Box 3008, Academic Campus Computing Services, Richmond, Virginia Telephone : (804) 367-6650 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Manage a lab for university undergrads, grads, faculty, and staff. Main computer is DECsystem 5500 running Ultrix. Have IBM clones and Macintosh, IBMs soon to be networked via Banyan with no current plans to hook PC Macs to Banyan. Only run PageMaker on Macs while IBMs word processor is WordPerfect 5.1. Ray Drake ========================================================================= Email Address : ACRAY@ECUVM1 Profession : Microcomputer Consultant Address : Austin Bldg. Room 124 East Carolina Univ. Greenville North Carolina Telephone : 919-757-6401 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S-W-F NOT!! Married Male. Graduated from East Carolina in '85 and haven't left campus yet. Elena Maria De Felice ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Publications & Training Specialist (translates to: graphic designer on a Mac DTP system, illustrator, typesetter, print buyer, systems manager /analyst, training/education/awareness) Oh, and Fine Artist. Address : University of Pennsylvania Administrative Information Systems 3451 Walnut Street, 221 Franklin Bldg. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6291 USA Telephone : 215/898-4294 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-taught computer user with a background in the traditional methods of pre-print production and design. Did I tell you that I'm a fine artist and that I'm in DTP to pay my rent and I got tired being a full-time secretary? Moved to Philly 2 years ago and I really like it here (no, I'm not hallucinating). And I truly do like my job: it's the first one that I've ever enjoyed doing. Kathy Finder ========================================================================= Nick Name : Kathy Email Address : FINDERKS@UWEC.EDU Profession : Information Processing Consultant Address : Computing and Networking Services University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI 54702 Telephone : (715) 836-2865 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At UW-Eau Claire my primary responsibilities are documentation and training for the DOS, Macintosh, and DEC VAX platforms. Most of my documentation is done on a Mac using PageMaker 4.0. I am lucky enough to have a graphic artist that is able to create the graphics that I need. He uses Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand. Based on my responsibilities, I go back and forth between the various platforms several times a day. Even though I haven't contributed yet, I have subscribed to this list for about a year now. I really appreciate some of the helpful hints that I have gotten from the list. [It is nice to hear from some of the "lurkers" on the list -- everybody is part of the list, though. The silent ones are just as important in maintaining this list's existence.] Jeanne Fineran ========================================================================= Nick Name : Jeanne Email Address : JFINERAN@BMGTMAIL.UMD.EDU Profession : Assistant Director, Office of Computing Services Address : College of Business & Management, University of MD Telephone : (301) 405-2266 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In Spring 1991, while finishing up my studies for my B.S. degree, I took a dtp class. The software we used was PM on the IBM. The instructor often mentioned how much easier he felt it is to do dtp on a MAC, As I have both platforms at my office desk, I ordered PM for my MAC and immediately put it to use. I soon was able to get a lot of practice using PM as I had one son get married in summer 1991 and one in fall 1991. I did the programs for each wedding, the invitations to the rehearsal dinners, and the place cards for the rehearsal dinners among other things. The project for my class had been to produce a four-page newsletter and my son that married in July had suggested I do it about his wedding. It turned out so well that we gave a copy to everyone attending the Rehearsal Dinner. They all thought it was a fun idea. Work-wise, I use PM to put out our newsletter "NetWorkings", a handbook for our first aide staff, a guide to computing in the College for faculty and although I have PrintShop, I often do signs and fliers in PM. I also assist our faculty and Ph.D. students by designing their research survey instruments. John Campbell Finnegan ========================================================================= Nick Name : John or Finney Email Address : JFINNEGA@iubacs Profession : Actor/Director Producer, currently employed as Coordinator for Student Computing/Public Computing Facilities, Manager/Computer Education Support Materials Author and Editor (this is my heavy PM use) Address : Indiana University Southeast 4201 Grant Line Road Crestview Hall, Indiana Telephone : (812) 941-2287 Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am trained as a professional actor and teach acting and its related areas part time. I was hired full time in the computer support area to manage the student computing needs which is mostly the public computing labs. I trained for a year and a half at the Advanced Center for Computer Art and Design in Columbus, OH (Ohio State UNiv. also got my MFA there.). I was turned on to 2 and 3D computer graphics there and saw their application as a tool for theatre design. Once I started using computers I realized that page layout and design was an area that I could also use. Basically self taught and always hungry for knowledge about type design and DTP related items. I also edit a newletter/journal that combines theatre and computers. It is called MicroTheatre. [Whew! Do you think he can make up his mind? :) ] Mary Jean Fitzgibbons ========================================================================= Nick Name : mj Email Address : MJFITZG@WAYNEST1.BITNET Profession : Technical writer and editor Address : Wayne State University Div. of Computing & Information Technology, Dept. of Planning and Support Services 5925 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan Telephone : 313-577-3614 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-taught in technical writing and editing and use of micro and mainframe computers. Have worked in this field for about 15 years. Before that I worked in public administration and research. Would like to increase my freelance work to be able to make more money, while continuing to work in higher education--I especially like the benefits and freedom. Also have experience and interest in manuals development and indexing. Age-wise, I have the mind of a 25 year old that is trapped in the body of a 44 year old woman. (I don't think this is an original statement, but it sure is true!) In my free time, I enjoy my cats, plants, ethnic foods, films, mystery books, and my niece and nephew. Have traveled and camped in the U.S. & Canada alot, but have been staying close to home for 5 years or so. Robyn Fizz ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Desktop Publisher/Editor Address : Room 11-309, Information Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge Massachusetts 02139, U.S. Telephone : (617) 253-0540 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mostly I do newsletters, but also oversee signage and marketing materials for my department. Am very excited by Photoshop and am experimenting with it in my spare (?) time. Marcos Paulo Gonzalez Otero ========================================================================= Nick Name : Wolf Email Address : Profession : Computer Sciences Student Address : P.O. Box 1359 Ensenada Baja California, Mexico Telephone : 01-52-617-687-47 or 01-52-66-20-80-27 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Sciences student, felt computers are the ticket to a great carrer! Likes Star trek in all its flavors. Science fiction addict!! Rosemary D. Hallberg ========================================================================= Nick Name : Rosemary Email Address : Profession : Publications Specialist Address : Human Services Research & Design Lab University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 216A Abernethy Hall, CB# 3570 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3570 Telephone : 919-962-2282, FAX-962-1486 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My official job title isn't what I put down, but I do the desktop publishing, designing, editing, and some of the writing for the office. I design surveys, write and design brochures, edit our evaluation reports, and sometimes edit transcribed material for books. I also teach Composition II at the local community college at night. University jobs unfortunately are not the most lucrative employment one can have. [Rosemary is another one of those common "faces" on the list -- double thanks goes to her because she was one of the victims of the black hole that hit my mail account. Thanks for resending it!] Fred B Hirsch ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Sorta Student, Sorta Not Address : Varies alot lately.. 11 Mtn Meadow Road (PERM) Laramie,WY 82070 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hrs away from a BS in Zoology, play 12 string acoustic guitar, heavily into music, Prolific charcoal drawing artist type person. Is running much too powerful software for his hardware. [and someone who is constantly finding ways into systems I am trying to make secure here at UW! @#$#&*!] Frances Holtsberry ========================================================================= Nick Name : Fran Email Address : Profession : Microcomputing Consultant and Desktop Publishing Consultant/Instructor Address : CSU,Chico, Computing Services, Zip 407, Chico, CA 95929 Telephone : 916-898-4819 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a single Mom who has raised 5 kids while going to school and building a successful career. After about 10 years in typesetting (during which time I integrated a TRS Model I and a typesetter using Scripsit and Basic language programming to communicate between the systems [beginning DTP in about 1976...]), I went back to school for a Master's degree in computer science. In 1986 I achieved that aim and went out to make my millions. My first job out was as consultant with a printing firm installing a Linotronic 300, wanting to network PCs and Macs with the Lino. I was able to successfully typeset from all platforms (lots of pioneer stuff here). For the past four years I have have been variously, publications editor, technical editor, DTP trainer, consultant, and microcomputing consultant with California State University, Chico. I also teach vocational education classes at night in Desktop Publishing. The class includes instruction in proofreading, design, typography, computer literacy, WordPerfect, Windows Paint, Corel Draw, and PageMaker. I am currently taking a class in computer based training, moving toward multimedia production. Richard Howland-Bolton ========================================================================= Nick Name : elGuru(tm) Email Address : Internet : Richard_Howland-Bolton@CORNELL.EDU or: Richard_Howland-Bolton@QMRELAY.MAIL.CORNELL.EDU or even : R3B@VAX5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU Compuserve: 71041,2133 AppleLink : CUGURU Profession : Manager Publications Computing Publications Guru Address : Publications, Cornell University, East Hill Plaza Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone : (607) 255-9455 (607) 255-5684 (FAX) Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ElGuru has an encompassing collection of talents and experiences, which set him apart, even in the syncretic world of DTP. He is one of the few people who could write something, illustrate it with drawings, cartoons or photographs, DTP it and then strip it, make plates, print it and bind it. His history includes a degree in philosophy and physics, many years running his own photography and design business, spates of teaching physics and maths, and being a microcomputer specialist. [He then says...] I didn't write that--I pinched it from an intro to some presentation I gave. [elGuru can not seem to make up his mind as to which address to use and consequently makes the listserv hiccup every day and send me mail messages of bounced messages. :) But we put up with him :) Gladly -- for what is the Pagemaker list like without the elGuru?] Wendy Beth Kahn ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Editor-in-chief of The Brown Daily Herald and Full-time student at Brown University Address : Box 5423 Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 Telephone : (401)-351-3260 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I edit The Herald, Brown University's (independent) daily newspaper. We are on a Mac-based system, and I also function as the computer guru. I also work as a student computer consultant at Brown. James F. Kelly ========================================================================= Nick Name : Jim Email Address : KELLY@UTKVX.UTK.EDU Profession : Director, Publications Center, University of Tennessee Address : 107 Communications Building, Knoxville TN 37996-0315 Telephone : 615-974-2225 Platform : Macintosh Kathryn Marie Kerns ========================================================================= Nick Name : Kathy Email Address : Profession : Librarian (Coordinater of Library Instruction) Address : Green Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6004 Telephone : (415) 725-1186 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Part of library instruction includes publications and signage. Vladimir Kubak ========================================================================= Email Address : kubak@csearn.bitnet kubak@earn.cvut.cs Profession : Head of DTP centre Address : Palacky University Krizkovskeho 10 Olomouc 772 00 Czechoslovakia Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Started as a programmer and have very close to hardware too, so more technical than artist. [We are glad to have you all the way from eastern Europe.] Cheng Leong ========================================================================= Nick Name : Cheng Email Address : Profession : student & part-time consultant for Rice U. Address : 2352 Rice Blvd. #1 Houston TX 77005 Telephone : (713) 528-2872 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a sophomore at Rice U. majoring (tentatively) in Computer Science and English. I love college, but plan to graduate at the normal time. I do software consulting (DTP semi-expert) for Rice students/faculty /etc. Right now I'm learning Adobe Illustrator, but I'm not sure why. [He also mentions that scissors and tape comes a close second to Pagemaker. Hmm -- where is the tar and feathers?] Pam S. McCorkle ========================================================================= Nick Name : Pam Email Address : pmccorkl@psuhmc.bitnet Profession : Administrative Assistant to CIO Address : Center for Information Technology Penn State's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center P.O. Box 850 500 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 Telephone : (717) 531-5825 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a mother of two teenage sons, ages 18 and 16. I started working at Hershey Medical Center in 1980 in Continuing Education, where I produced direct-mail brochures and course booklets for the University (Penn State). In 1986, I moved to Public Relations, where I proofread and edited the Medical Center's news releases and produced the "Vital Signs" monthly newsletter and various other departmental catalogs and brochures for the hospital and college. In December 1991, I again changed jobs, and moved over to the Center for Information Technology, where I get to play with computers till my heart's content. I am still a die-hard PageMaker fan from my Public Relations days and still produce brochures for CIT, using my old buddy. I could be very prejudiced though, because it's a long way from producing brochures on an IBM Mag Card Composer, which I used in my Continuing Education days. I remember those paste-up days fondly, though not so fondly that I would give up PageMaker. I am a self-taught PageMaker user and have taught a few small classes. Angel Leigh McCoy ========================================================================= Nick Name : Angel Email Address : CRD5@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU Profession : Desktop Publisher Address : 109B College Ave., Blacksburg, VA 24060 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I consider myself to be a self-taught Desktop Publisher - I guess most of us do - having gotten my BA in French Lit and then having to find a job. I love computers and games (am co-owner of a games store - Fun-N-Games in Blacksburg, VA). My goal in life is to be a writer and I love all animals (typical, huh?). P.S. I love getting E-Mail, but I'm not very good at answering it every day. Mary Jo deMeza ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Academic Computing Services Specialist Address : Computer Center, McGraw Hall University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Whitewater, WI 53190 Telephone : (414) 472-3215 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a novice and infrequent PageMaker user. I use PM to create the departmental newsletter, and I confess that I only take advantage of a small selection of the features that PM offers. Laura Milera ========================================================================= Nick Name : Lory Email Address : Docwoman@PACEVM Profession : Technical Editor/Writer Address : Pace Univ. 1 Martine Ave., White Plains, NY 10606 Telephone : (914) 422-4297 Platform : PC, Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gosh! Thats a toughy. OK - I'm a technical writer and freelance writer. Am currently writing a cookbook for a New York publisher (don't laugh now), am a photographer and Masters swimmer and of course, aspiring DTPer. [Hmmm :) -- we certainly do have a wide variety of people here!] David J B Murie ========================================================================= Nick Name : Dave Email Address : PRIMEA.DUNDEE.AC.UK Profession : Senior Programmer Address : University of Dundee Computing Service, Park Place, DUNDEE, DD1 4HN, SCOTLAND Telephone : 44 382 23181 ext 4137/4131 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Have worked in University computer support since 1979 with a specialist interest in non-numeric computing. Became involved with computer typesetting in the early 80s when Oxford University installed a Monotype Lasercomp bromide service to other UK universities. Responsible for installation of first Aptec Laserflow laser printer in any UK university, a product developed in Scotland around the time the Apple Laserwriter first hit the streets, and based around a page description language in many ways superior to PostScript. More recently responsible for wordprocessing & DTP support and training on campus. Roger K. Myers ========================================================================= Email Address : MYERS@AB.WVNET.EDU Profession : Computer Programmer Address : Route 3 Box 269-D Philippi, WV 26416 Telephone : (304) 457-1700 Ext. 331 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a computer programmer at Alderson-Broaddus college. My wife has a DTP and print shop in this rural town. She uses PM and WordPerfect as well as Corel Draw. Mostly she prints brochures, letterheads, envelopes, labels, books, booklets, business cards, etc. Color projects and many larger projects we get printed at a local print shop where we get a discount. She also sells pencils, pens, hats, T-shirts, knapkins, greeting cards, advertising and campaign buttons, jackets, etc. She does at least some computer design work on each of these projects. The greeting cards she designs, folds, shrink wraps, and local stores sell on consignment. The buttons she designs in Corel Draw, prints on either our laser or our Paint Jet Plus, then she cuts them out and puts them together using the Badge-A-Minute machines. Drema designs work for T-shirts, knapkins, hats, etc. and gets a discount at places that do the rest. The pens and pencils she just collects the orders and collects 10% from the producer. I program in PostScript sometimes to help Drema with projects where she cannot figure out how to get a particular effect. Also, I have written several programs including a cross word puzzle generator which produces puzzles in PostScript from a list of words the user enters in a text file. I have used this program to produce a cross word puzzle book of Civil War puzzles which we have sold about 150 copies. Also I used it to product Cross word puzzles for the local newspaper in exchange for some free advertising space for Drema's company. So I suppose like most rural businesses we try to take on any job that comes along to pay our bills and raise our kids. [Maybe we can get you to donate to Jeff Bone's "Fun with postscript" collection.] Monte Olsen ========================================================================= Nick Name : (You don't want to know) Email Address : Profession : Professional bumb Address : Oregon State University Agricultural Communications Administrative Svcs 423 Corvallis, OR 97330 Telephone : (503) 737-0812 Platform : Macintosh, PC (He does like to admit the latter) Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself. [I am tempted to add my own biography on Monte! I will say this: he avoids the answer when he knows someone is going to catch him reading his e-mail instead of doing REAL work. I had to get my swing in :) :) Seriously, I owe a lot to Monte -- he keeps this list goin' in more ways then one. Thanks a bunch Monte!] Jennifer Dill Ovink ========================================================================= Nick Name : Jennifer Email Address : symbio! Profession : technical writer Address : 1985 NW 9th St., Corvallis, Oregon, USA Telephone : 503/758-5282 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I write technical documentation for a software design firm that caters to the pulp and paper industry. I was a PageMaker veteran when hired, but was forced to learn FrameMaker on a Unix box for this job. I enjoy what I do despite a rather severe RSI (repetitive stress injury) caused by overuse of the computer mouse (MAC and SUN). Anyone wanting to correspond on that subject may email or snail me directly. Geoffrey Peters ========================================================================= Nick Name : Truth, Geof or Geoff (can't make up my mind) Email Address : Profession : Graduate Student at Purdue University Address : 3064-1 Pemberly Ct. West Lafayette, IN 47906 Telephone : 317-497-7977 Platform : PC, Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To paraphrase General Robert E. Lee, I am a Virginian first, and American second. Right now, though, I am in the middle of rural Indiana. As for work experience, I just ended a great job doing PostScript and Windows programming, before that, I was a systems programmer maintaining a Novell microcomputer lab system. Right now I am researching a distributed system for MS Windows and doing anything I can to survive grad school. With the way things are, having daylight savings is a major event -- I search for every minute I can find. I love kites, blow pops, 486-33s with 17" monitors, music (500 albums and going), windows, mtn. bikes, shooting pool, philosophy, dance, tennis, people and writing. Any ideas about good jobs? :-) Barry Michael Porter ========================================================================= Nick Name : Barry Email Address : Profession : Marketing Support/Communicatons Consultant Address : Gerber Electronics, 128 Carnegie Row Norwood, MA Telephone : (617) 769-6000 x 174 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been publishing stuff since BDTP (Before Desktop Publishing). Its MUCH easier on computers and getting more professional slowly but surely. There is still a LOT of mis-informatin and misconceptions about document creation and use "out there"....I also do a lot of telecommunicating and am active in the Boston Computer Society Eric J. Ray ========================================================================= Nick Name : Eric Email Address : [the cowboys who wish they were Wyoming Coyboys :) ] Profession : Technical Information Analyst Address : Oklahoma State University Computer Center 113 MS Stillwater, OK 74078 Telephone : (405) 744-6301 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the Technical Writer, Computer Center's DTP expert (of sorts), and Computer Center Help Desk Staffer. That is full time. I am also a part time MA in English (Technical Writing) student. Danielle Renes ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : questionable Address : 22835 Willow Lane, Veneta OR 97487 Telephone : (503) 346-2466 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am new to this type of communication and have not yet ventured to send a message to the group, but I really like reading all the comments and am glad to have access to all that experience out there. I have taught myself what I know about computers and DTP (which seems to be true of many in the group). I do DTP mostly for friends, and friends of friends, and friends' business friends, etc. (on the side in other words, mostly for free because I like to do it - but also to build up a rep for when I do start trying to make a living at it), and also in trade for bike parts (to help keep my son competitive at bmxing). I also do flyers, newsletter, ads, etc. for the bmx club as a volunteer. Pamela A. Shiner ========================================================================= Nick Name : Pam Email Address : Profession : Secretary Address : The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Penn State University Hershey, PA 17033 Telephone : (717) 531-5825 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Married with 5 children ranging in ages from 26 - 15. Only 23 1/2 years to go to retirement! I started learning Pagemaker 3 months ago on my own. The book Pagemaker an easy desk reference by Robin Williams is a life saver!! [It looks like there are two Pams in one office! (Pam McCorkle)] Kris Sommer ========================================================================= Email Address : KESOMM01.UKY.EDU Profession : Assistant Director of Residence Life Address : 301 Commons, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY USA Telephone : (606) 257-4401 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I coordinate all the programming that occurs in the UK residence halls, which house about 5500 undergrad students. I also do all the DTP for the Office of Residence Life. I use the Macintosh exclusively. I most frequently use PageMaker and on occasion FreeHand. My Masters is in Higher Educ: Student Personnel Administration from the Univ. of Illinois. I have been reading this list for less than a month mostly to learn. I have a long way to go! Jon M. Sonntag ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Academic Computing Coordinator, Comp Sci Instructor Address : Concordia University, River Forest, IL 60305-1499 Telephone : (708) 209-3282 Platform : Macintosh, PC Jeff Stai ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Engineer Address : Placentia, CA Telephone : (714) 961-1936 Platform : PC Cynthia Pearle Stone ========================================================================= Nick Name : Cindy (once upon a time known as PMS - PageMaker Sorceress) Email Address : stonec@iubacs (bitnet) Profession : Training & Communications Specialist and Part Time Computer Instructor Address : Department of Physical Plant Office of Training & Communications 912 North Walnut Grove Bloomington, IN 47405 Telephone : 812.855.6296 phone 812.855.9549 fax Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cindy Stone, is a full-time technical employee at Indiana University's Dept. of Physical Plant. She works in the Training & Communications Office. Half her job is conducting in-house clerical and computer-based training and producing training materials for those employees. The other half of her job is producing communication pieces for university employees. She moonlights as a part-time college instructor teaching both Mac and PC PageMakr as well as WordPerfect and possibly soon QuarkXpress. She is one of the listowners for both PageMakr@indycms and QuarkExp@iubvm -- and Macintosh blood now runs thru her veins! [I often think of Cindy has the Mom of this list. She is the one who got it going in the first place and always will step in with kind words if there is confusion. Much praise to Cindy for making all of this communication possible!] Felix Sung ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Th.D cand. Address : 5 Hoskin Ave., Ontario, Canada Telephone : (416) 351 9476 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Th.D candidate in New Testament Studies (UofT); Free Methodist pastor; freelance copy- and type-editor. Jerry Tangren ========================================================================= Nick Name : Jerry Email Address : Profession : Scientific Programmer Address : Wash. State Univ., 1100 N. Western Ave., Wenatchee, Washington Telephone : 509-663-8181 ext 231 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Professionally, I am the computer specialist for Wash. State Univ. at its Tree Fruit experiment station. Although I use Pagemaker for some work duties, I primarily use it to produce The Wild Phlox, newsletter of the North Central WA Audubon Society. Over 600 Auduboners appreciate all the help I have received from the PAGEMAKR list Reina Tebby ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Information Centre Analyst Address : University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada Telephone : (519) 679-2111 ext 5501 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Our office supports administrative users on campus in their microcomputer apps, and their access of the corporate databases. I am the wordprocessor/dtp support person. I also use PageMaker to put together a quarterly (used to be monthly) newsletter from our department. I consider myself a novice (well, maybe a little more) user because I do nothing fancy. Tiggy Tillinghast ========================================================================= Nick Name : Tig Email Address : 72521,1557 at CompuServe Profession : Editor of daily newspaper Address : HB 1279, Hanover, NH 03755 Telephone : (603) 643-5158 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I make a great pasta dish! John Tynes ========================================================================= Nick Name : Rev Email Address : Profession : student, publisher Address : 403A N. 8th St. Columbia, MO Telephone : (314) 442-4301 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm using PageMaker to run my own small-press publishing company, Pagan Publishing. We do a quarterly magazine distributed worldwide for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game, as well as other books and materials for that game. I'm a senior in the Broadcast Journalism program here at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Toni E. Vick ========================================================================= Nick Name : Toni Email Address : Profession : Public Information Officer (i.e., technical writer, newsletter ed., educational handouts, brochures, etc.) Address : University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Computing Services Division EMS E380, 3200 N. Cramer Street Telephone : 414/229-4008 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See "Profession" above for job description. Self-taught on Mac, PC, and Unix. Knowledgable experience with (Mac) PageMaker 4.2a, MS Word 5.0, Adobe Illustrator 3.0, Aldus Super Paint 3.0, and Kid Pix ("I had to get this for my 5YO" -- Yeah, sure...). Can "get along" on a PC and Unix (which means I know enough to know what I don't know...) Catherine Vojtas ========================================================================= Nick Name : Cathy Email Address : Profession : Student in Advertising, I also run a DTP workshop from my home. Address : 1005 South Sixth St. #9, Champaign, IL 61820 Telephone : (217) 367-1484 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a fifth-year senior at the University of Illinois, pursuing a degree in Advertising. I started out in Graphic Design, and that really is my first love, but I wanted an academic degree. I am getting married this coming spring to an architecture student, I work at a campus bookstore, and my fiancee and I run a DTP shop off our PC at home. We're mildly successful (not much business, but we have been nationally published). Gladys We ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Program Assistant, Writing & Publishing Program Address : Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre 515 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC, Canada Telephone : (604) 291-5077 Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I received my BA in Communication from Simon Fraser University last year. I'm starting work on my Master's in Communication in September. I'll probably do it on information technology, the future of publishing, or something like that. I also work in the Writing & Publishing program at SFU, which teaches business writing, desktop publishing, technical writing, and professional writing (articles, fiction, etc). I do most of my DTP work in ads, our brochure, course materials, and course descriptions. Ken Weiss ========================================================================= Nick Name : Ken Email Address : Profession : User Services Consultant, Advanced Networked and Scientific Applications Address : Information Technology/ANSA U.C. Davis Davis, CA 95616 Telephone : (916) 752-5554 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Started Digital Art in L.A. in 1984, provided high-end computer illustration services for print media for 5 years. Started DTP on Mac in 1986. [...and another person/guru that I am thankful to have on the list.] Nancy Wilson ========================================================================= Email Address : Profession : Information specialist (that's a glorified newsletter editor) Address : Academic Computing and Networking Services Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Telephone : (303) 491-5246 Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I manage publications for Academic Computing & Networking Services at Colorado State University. My main responsibility is editing a newsletter that covers what's happening in computing for the entire university, not just our department. I do most of the planning, writing, editing, layout and oversee the production. I also produce a user's guide, assorted bulletins and help sheets, mailings, reports, and on-line documentation. Plus I browbeat the department staff into writing the bulletins and contributing some of the original material for the newsletter. [And a good friend to the south] Todd A. Wilson ========================================================================= Nick Name : none (you can call me Tod) (oh! and also TW) Email Address : bitnet : tawilson@owucomcn internet : Profession : Director, news & information/small college PR flack Address : PR Office, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43015 Telephone : 614-368-3337 Platform : PC Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm primarily a writer; been in PR, mostly in higher education, for 10 years; still occassionally freelance as a legit journalist; have used PageMaker since 1987 since about the first PC program came out; don't do an awful lot of publications for my work, but enough that PM is very useful; serve as the Desktop Publishing Tsar for our building and a resource on the rest of campus; my favorite musical group is Nightnoise; I'm an Aquarius and the last novel I read was...oh, who really cares. [Now is it Todd or is it Tod? :) :) And I am curious about that book..] John ========================================================================= Nick Name : John Email Address : Profession : Platform : Macintosh Biography ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO AM I(!) Married, Twins-boy/girl (18yrs), Wife Anne Trained in the 60's at the Ordnance Survey (national map makers) as a cartographic draftsman. Emigrated to Canada and worked in Toronto (dept of mines) and then Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. Now Project Officer at the Open University (OU) the largest distance teaching institute in the UK (annual student population 100,000). Social Sciences Department is multi- disiplinery (includes Geography), computers used in some teaching and at summer schools. DTP, Graphics, WP and data base run all across campus, OU in top 10 Apple UK sites (about 2500 machines plus about same again PC's). Both platforms supported and access to VAX and UNISYS mainframes. Big Ethenet, extensive E-Mail also to our 13 regional centres and now into Europe. Run a Quadra 700/160, extra ram and Apple 21 Color monitor. Support the Faculties 100 odd machines plus servers. Main computer activities - graphics of all descriptions (but not much photo or 3D stuff yet), mapping including desktop Geographic Information Systems and DTP for faculty publications. Template ========================================================================= Nick Name : Email Address : Profession : Address : Telephone : Platform : Macintosh, PC Biography ----------------------------------------------------------------------